Competing better: Smart pricing strategies for your store In your food store, it is important to be smart about your prices, especially if your store has been around for a while. Thinking carefully about your prices helps you keep customers happy and stand s... 21 jun. 2024 Más beneficios
Sobrevivir en un mercado minorista dominante: Retos y oportunidades para los productores En el actual entorno minorista, los fabricantes de alimentos se enfrentan a menudo a un reto existente: la notable presencia de grandes minoristas y empresas multinacionales que ostentan una parte sig... 18 jun. 2024 Vender más
The art of pricing strategies: The basics In this, you will discover how to smartly set your prices as a new brand owner. A well-thought-out price not only helps present your products with value but also strengthens your bottom line. Why is y... 18 jun. 2024 Más beneficios
7 deadly mistakes small businesses make that slow growth Finally, all your hard work is paying off. It's a dream come true when you see your food shop starting to grow. But this dream can quickly become a nightmare if you don't grow the right way. Here are ... advice 13 jun. 2024 Más beneficios
Strategic planning: growing your food shop requires more than just hard work Growing a food shop requires a lot of hard work and perseverance. But there is more to it. Good leaders take time to look ahead and plan strategically. This allows them to steer the growth of their sh... advice how to 10 jun. 2024 Más beneficios
7 unique ways to find new customers for your food store The search for new customers never stops. You should always be on the lookout for potential customers, even if you have plenty of work. It takes time to build relationships and you never know when you... advice how to 5 jun. 2024 Vender más
Attract more customers by knowing your strengths How do you sell yourself to customers? What do you do well that is unique compared to other shops? To explain this to prospective customers, you need to have a good understanding of what your unique s... advice how to 3 jun. 2024 Vender más
5 ways to improve your 'crafting' word-of-mouth advertising There is an obvious risk associated with word of mouth: not everyone will love your shop or your products. Do you really want to encourage negative reviews? So, before setting up a comprehensive word-... advice how to 29 may. 2024 Vender más
Word of mouth: How to get people talking about you Word of mouth can come to life in two ways - organically or through a more targeted approach. Organic word-of-mouth happens naturally and spontaneously. Customers are happy with your offer or your ser... 28 may. 2024 Vender más